
Top 5 Sharpening Questions Answered


Achieving a sharp edge on your knives or tools requires more than just rubbing them against a sharpening stone. It involves understanding the nuances of grit selection, knowing when to transition between grits, determining the ideal finishing grit, choosing the best sharpening angle, and establishing a sharpening frequency. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll address these top five sharpening questions, providing insights and expert advice to help you attain razor-sharp edges with ease.

  1. How do I know which grit to start with?

Determining the appropriate starting grit sets the foundation for a successful sharpening session. Unless there is major edge damage or chipping along the edge of the knife, beginning with the coarsest grit isn’t always necessary, nor is starting with the finest grit always sufficient. The key lies in detecting the formation of a burr—a telltale sign that the edge is being shaped effectively.

which grit to start with  Jende Industries

Start by selecting a stone positioned in the middle of your grit options, such as a 1000 Grit water stone or a fine DMT Diamond Stone. Stroke your knife against one side of the stone, then assess the opposite side for the presence of a burr. A burr indicates that the chosen grit is suitable for initiating the sharpening process. Conversely, if a heavy burr forms along the entire length of the edge, you may be starting too aggressively and should opt for a finer grit. No burr suggests either a need for a coarser grit or an exceptionally dull edge that requires more aggressive sharpening.

  1. How do I know when I am done with a particular grit?

Transitioning between grits involves two essential considerations: the presence of a burr and the uniformity of bevel angles. Once a burr forms along the entire length of the edge on one side, it signifies completion of sharpening with the current grit on that side. Flip the blade and repeat the process on the opposite side until a burr forms uniformly.

done with a particular grit?

Additionally, ensure that the bevel angles on both sides are the same before advancing to the next finer grit (unless you purposely want different angles on each side such as a 60/40 or 70/30 approach instead of 50/50). This systematic approach ensures thorough sharpening and prepares the edge for subsequent refinement.

  1. How do I know what grit to finish with?

Choosing the appropriate finishing grit depends on your specific requirements and preferences. In General, 1K is the universally accepted minimum/basic sharpness for most things. Water stones, oil stones, Arkansas Stones, and Diamond Stones all offer a wide range of finishing options, each yielding distinct edge characteristics. Generally, higher grit stones produce finer and sharper edges suitable for delicate slicing tasks, while coarser grit stones retain more toothiness for cutting tougher materials. Experimentation with different grits enables you to tailor the edge to your desired level of sharpness and cutting performance and edge longevity.

  1. What’s the best sharpening angle?

Selecting the optimal sharpening angle involves striking a balance between sharpness and durability. Lower angles result in sharper edges but sacrifice durability, while higher angles prioritize durability at the expense of ease of cutting.

the best sharpening angle?

The choice of angle depends on factors such as the intended use of the knife or tool and the type of material being cut. For kitchen knives, angles between 15 and 20 degrees are common, offering a balance between sharpness and edge longevity. Adjustments to the angle may be necessary based on specific cutting needs and material characteristics.

  1. How frequently should I sharpen?

Sharpening frequency is a crucial aspect of edge maintenance, emphasizing the importance of proactive sharpening rather than reactive sharpening. Waiting until the edge becomes significantly dull increases the time and effort required to restore sharpness. Instead, sharpen lightly and sharpen often to maintain optimal cutting performance. Regular sharpening sessions conducted before noticeable loss of cutting ability occurs result in consistently sharp edges that are easier to maintain and use. Prioritize sharpening efficiency by adhering to a proactive sharpening schedule.


Sharpening proficiency requires not only technical skill but also an understanding of grit selection, sharpening techniques, and edge maintenance principles. By addressing these top five sharpening questions and implementing the recommended strategies, you can elevate your sharpening prowess and achieve razor-sharp edges with confidence.

For buying Sharpening related services and products, visit Jende Industries USA website

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